Sunday, January 10, 2010

nanny's time

Well here we are well into the first month of a new year. I wish so
many things for all of you. Much happiness, good times, Steady jobs
and love for one another.

It's so cold here and this is Florida. I think some body came in while
I was sleeping and hauled me off up north. I'd go farther south but
from what I hear it's cold in Miami.

Dad's not getting to fish as much as he wants to because it's so windy
and cold.

Well I hope every one has recovered from the Holidays and settled
back into the routine of school and work or maybe just doing much
of nothing like me.

To all you Kirklands I love you and I'm so proud of all of you and
so glad you all belong to me.


  1. Mom,

    I'm so proud of you for blogging. Be sure to keep us posted on your adventures.

  2. Nanny,
    This message made my day! :)
    I miss you and Paw-paw...hope to see you soon.
    All my love.
