Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Good morning every one:
What a beautiful day and I"m so glad I'm vertical today.
Yesterday afternoon I was in class all afternoon and into
into the night trying to learn to BLOG. Richard I think
I may have learned ahead of you. Well maybe this brain
isn't as dead as I thought.
Any way just wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS and Dad
and I are real anxious to see everyone. We love you all.

Had a Ho-Hum trip up here. Same old trees and houses
to look at. Did see a few Christmas decorations that
were nice.

Puff Mutz enjoyed the trip. Mostly he lay in Dad's lap
and slept. He's so spoiled.

Have to finish what little shopping I do today. Gosh
I hate ploughing through that throng of people. Some
of them aren't so nice. Like an old bear in the woods.
Maybe I'll take my walking cane to even up things a

The question of the day is what am I going to buy?
I DON'T KNOW. Do I buy for a male, female, some-
thing funny. something for the house,yard, garage,
Bathroom--Wait now there's an idea. ( Maybe toilet
paper) or somethiing for the dogs. Come on give me
a clue.

Hey this is fun! Maybe I'll blog again sometime. You
better watch for me you might just miss me.